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Basic Operations Introduction

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Basic Operations Introduction

Basic operations
are the building blocks and rules of math. They're like learning the rules of the road in Driver's Ed. We know the four basic rules: add, subtract, multiply, divide. Now we're going to combine them in new ways to do new things.

We already know that if we add the same number a bunch of times, we can take a shortcut and just multiply. If we subtract the same number a bunch of times, we can divide. Now we'll learn a way to multiply the same number a bunch of times with exponents, or divide a number so many times that there's nothing left to divide, as in prime factorization. These combined operations are like replacing a two-lane country road with a highway. We still have all the same old rules, but now we'll zoom along and have a quicker, easier way to get to more interesting places.

Basic Operations Resources

Math Doesn’t Suck
Here’s a great book for middle school girls with practical tips and extra practice problems.

Kiss My Math
This is another book by Danica McKellar geared toward pre-algebra girls.

What's Math Got to Do with It?: How Parents and Teachers Can Help Children Learn to Love Their Least Favorite Subject
This is an interesting book for parents and teachers alike, although we have no idea why math would be anyone’s least favorite subject…

Operation Order
A quick game to practice problems, using order of operations. Try the hardest level.

Order of Operations
Simple practice problems for when you're just starting out.

Exploring Order of Operations
Bulk up your PEMDAS chops. This game only asks about the order in which you should do a problem; there's no actual solving.

Product Game
This is a two-player game to practice finding factors of numbers.  

Prime Factorization Tool
This prime factorization tool will factorize even the biggest numbers.  Great for checking your answers!

Prime Curios!
Some fun trivia about prime numbers.

Factor Trees, GCF, and LCM
This is an awesome tool to practice factor trees, LCMs, and GCFs!

Math, Prime Factorization, Multiples, Factors
This site has a fun Jeopardy!-style game to play with one or two players. It's good practice for factorizing and finding multiples. 

The Highest Common Factor and the Lowest Common Multiple
Here's a cute, quick game to practice LCMs and GCFs.

Math Problems with LCM & GCF
Great practice with word problems involving LCMs and GCFs.

Line Jumper
Use a number line to drop a dude out of a plane.

Color Chips - Addition
This site shows a nice illustration of using pluses and minuses to solve addition problems.

Arithmetic Four
This is a fun two-player game using all operations with integers. It's similar to the old favorite Connect Four. Can you beat your buddy?

Secret Worlds: The Universe Within
This is an interactive view from the Milky Way to the atoms in a leaf as seen through powers of 10. Talk about an ultra zoom.

Square Root Flashcards
Uh, the title pretty much says it all. These are flash cards for practicing square roots.

Scientific Notation
A quiz game to test your mad scientific notation skillz.

Another quick game for practicing scientific notation.

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